Helping Children with Disabilities Reach New Heights

Get Involved

Get Involved

“A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives” – Jackie Robinson

Peak Potential is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in a hands-on volunteering experience. The pool of volunteers is incredibly diverse in age and experience. From high school students to medical professionals, from expert climbers to those with no prior climbing experience at all, many have chosen to commit their time to ensure that Peak Potential continues to reach as many children as possible. Currently, almost all of our volunteers attend our twice a week sessions at New Jersey Rock Gym as belayers or climbing coaches providing hands-on help to our participants.

Every new volunteer will need to be belay certified by the NJ Rock Gym prior to being allowed to belay within our program.  New volunteers will be trained in how to modify general belaying technique for our program and in the use of adaptive techniques to aid our participants.

We encourage anyone interested to contact us via email at We also welcome anyone to come and attend a session during the week to see first hand what this unique volunteer opportunity is like.


Help Spread the Word

Volunteer Flyer
We are always in search of new volunteers. You can help us by Downloading a Volunteer Recruitment Tearsheet to hang up on your work, school, or favorite shop bulletin board. Get Adobe

"It was just a challenge for me. That's what we do here, take on challenges" - Evan (participant)